The Ceca Award for Hospitals
The Challenge
According to the American Hospital Association, a primary reason for job dissatisfaction and a contributing factor to burnout among nurses and other caregivers is lack of appreciation from management.
Dissatisfaction and burnout will eventually lead to turnover among caregivers who feel overworked and underappreciated, and negatively impact critical quality of care metrics.
It is increasingly essential for healthcare leadership to have the right tools and comprehensive support in order to effectively engage employees and retain them for the long-term.
It’s no secret that turnover can be very costly, especially in an industry where margins are already low. For hospitals “the average cost of turnover for a bedside RN ranges from $36,900 to $57,300” which can result in million+ dollar losses. Any marginal decrease in turnover will mean significant savings toward the bottom line. (Source: 2015 National Healthcare Retention & RN Staffing Report, Nursing Solutions, Inc.)
Even if you’re able to retain key clinical staff, with over one-half of physicians and one-third of nurses experiencing symptoms of burnout, there will be increased medical errors, higher rates of patient mortality, and an increase in hospital-transmitted infections. (Source: Burnout in United States Healthcare Professionals: A Narrative Review, NCBI)
The Takeaway: Burnout and turnover are not good for business.
Be an organization that caregivers WANT to work for!

“I’ve seen Ceca Foundation up close and in action in several diverse settings. While they have innovative technology and generous cash awards for outstanding caregivers, their power stems from their comprehensive services and a passion for Ceca’s charitable mission.”
The Role of Engagement
Engagement defined
Engaged employees are willing to go above and beyond to solve problems—often without being asked to do so. Engaged employees view their work as a calling and feel a sense of belonging at their organizations. They give maximum effort and strive to see their companies succeed. (Source:
Research has long shown a correlation between overall engagement and turnover. According to the PRC study, there is also a strong overlap between caregiver engagement and better patient experiences.
So if turnover is a major challenge for hospitals, and better patient experiences are desired, what can be done about it?
As Harvard Business Review noted from a Press Ganey analysis, “Hospitals that improve over time in distinct HCAHPS survey measures of patient experience or employee engagement also see improvement in patients’ global ratings of their care…the data reveal that there can be a compounding effect when organizations improve in both experience and engagement measures simultaneously.”
“This is something that gets at the core of what we’re all about–and that is caregiving. The fact that we have the opportunity to recognize our caregivers is like their moment in the sun. But it also reinforces the things we need to have done well on an ongoing basis, and that’s provide great healthcare. I can’t say enough good things about the program and what it’s done to enhance our culture and the employee experience.”
The Solution
Recognition is a top driver of engagement
Your organization needs a recognition program that keeps employees engaged and whose success doesn’t fall solely on the shoulders of your upper management team. This will lead to improved patient experiences and quality of care—both of which have a direct impact on your bottom line. At Ceca Foundation, we believe there is a “secret sauce” to impactful recognition and that programs should be able to check these boxes.
The Ceca Award is a cohesive and collaborative solution for your employee engagement needs with proven results, a complete program package with an operational support model, and easy-to-use technology platform to back it.